ITBP Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 123
Names of Posts:
1. Inspector (Dietician) – 01 vacancy
2. Sub Inspector (Staff Nurse) – 55 vacancies
3. Asst Sub Inspector – 12 vacancies
4. Head Constable – 13 vacancies
5. Constable – 42 vacancies
Age Limit: Candidate’s age must be below 30 yrs for Inspector post, between 21 yrs and 30 yrs for Sub Inspector post, between 20 yrs and 25 yrs for posts Asst Sub Inspector and Head Constable and between 18 yrs and 25 yrs for Constable Post. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 31-08-2012 for few posts and 01-08-2012 for remaining for which candidates are asked to refer to the notification. (Age relaxations would be as per Government rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Matric with relevant experience/Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in relevant subject. Candidates are asked to go through the notification for details.
Application Fee Details: General and OBC candidates need to pay Rs. 50/- towards Application Fee. SC/ST/EXSM/Female candidates are exempted from Fee payment. Fee must be in form of IPO/Bank Draft drawn in favor of Deputy Inspector General (Medical), Composite Hospital Chandigarh, I.T.B.P.
Selection Procedure: Selections would be made through Height Bar, Race, Checking of Documents, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Written Examination, Practical Exam, Viva voce and Medical Examination.
How to Apply: Candidates must apply through prescribed format available at the bottom of notification. Fill the form neatly and attach photograph, attest signature , super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with all relevant documents and payment receipt to the following address, Deputy Inspector General (Medical), Composite Hospital Chandigarh, I.T.B. P.Force and Commandment Base Hospital ITBP Force, on or before 31-08-2012.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 31-08-2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application (far flung areas): 07-09-2012
For other details like Vacancy distribution, age relaxation, selection process, pay scale, experience, standards and other instructions and conditions, click on the link given below…
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