Tuesday, 31 July 2012

NEEPCO Recruitment 2012 – 52 Various Vacancies

North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited has issued notification for recruitment of 52 Various Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 05-09-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply are given below…

NEEPCO Recruitment Vacancy Details:
Total No of Vacancies: 52

Names of Posts:
1. Trainee Engineer: 20 posts
2. Trainee Officer: 09 posts
3. Medical Officer: 04 posts
4. Security Officer/Asst Manager/Dy Manager: 04 posts
5. Jr Company Secretary: 01 posts
6. Trainee Personnel Officer: 04 posts
7. Trainee Accounts Officer: 06 posts
8. Deputy Manager (Finance): 04 posts

Age Limit: Candidate age must be below 33 years for Security Officer, Jr Company Secretary posts, 35 years for Asst Manager post, 40 years Dy Manager post and 30 years for all remaining posts.

Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess BE / B.Tech / B.Sc /AMIE for Trainee Engineer post, MBBS Degree and registration with Indian Medical Council for Medical Officer and for remaining posts candidate should refer the notification.

Application Fee Details: Applicants need to pay Rs. 500/- in the form of crossed demand draft from a nationalized bank drawn in favour of ‘NEEPCO Ltd’ payable at Shillong. (SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted).

Selection Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Written Test/Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format downloaded form the notification, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send with DD, Copies of all relevant certificates, three copies of passport size colour photograph, one copy should be affixed in the space provided in the application form & two copies should be sent along with the application and candidates should write their name & post applied for in the back of the photographs to the following address “Post Box No. 89 at GPO, Shillong – 793001 (Meghalaya)” and should reach on or before 05-09-2012 by ordinary post only.

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 05-09-2012
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements, other instructions and application format, click on the link given below…

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