Tuesday, 31 July 2012

SVVU Tirupati Recruitment 2012 – 296 Faculty Vacancies

Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University (SVVU) has issued notification for recruitment of 296 Faculty Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 21-08-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…

SVVU Tirupati Vacancy Details:
Total No of Vacancies: 296

Names of Posts:
Asst Professor

Name of the Faculty
1. Vety Faculty: 143 posts
2. Dairy Faculty
3. Fishery Faculty: 02 posts
4. Agril Sciences: 07 posts

Associate Professors & Professors
Name of the Faculty
1. Vety Faculty: 131 posts
2. Dairy Faculty: 06 posts
3. Fishery Faculty: 07 posts
4. Agril Sciences

Educational Qualification: Candidates are asked to go through the notification for the details of post wise educational qualification.

Application Fee Details: Applicants need to pay Registration Fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for SC & ST candidates) in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Comptroller, SVVU, Tirupati on any Nationalized Bank payable at Tirupati

Selection Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Interview.

How to Apply: Candidates must download the Application form from the website, fill all the mandatory details neatly, attach photograph and attest signature and send it along with payment receipt and attested copies of documents to the following address ” The Registrar, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Administrative Office, Dr.Y.S.R. Bhavan, Tirupati-517 502″ on or before 21.08.2012 by 4.30 PM

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 21-08-2012 by 4.301 PM
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, other requirements, other instructions and post wise eligibility criteria, click on the link given below…

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