Thursday, 30 August 2012

CG Health & Family Prosperity Dept - Various Vacancies 2012:

Chhattisgarh Wellbeing & Stock Eudaemonia Division is hiring 12 personnel for various posts in Mukhya Mantri Bal Hriday Suraksha Yojana. Eligible candidates may register themselves on 08, 09-09-2012 as per spot applied for, through prescribed information which can be downloaded from the asking. Added info suchlike age confine, educational fitness, curative fee details, activity impact and how to lot are bestowed below…

CG Upbeat & Clan Eudaimonia Dept Space Details:
Count Sort of Vacancies: 12

Traducement of Posts:
1. Abstract Schedule Coordinator - 01 emptiness
2. Infirmary Coordinator - 01 space
3. Open7 Abstraction Seaman - 01 emptiness
4. Accumulation Shrink - 01 vacuum
5. Accumulation Substance Manipulator cum Power Help - 02 vacancies
6. CHPS Assist Desk Organization - 06 vacancies

Age Boundary: Candidates' age moldiness be beneath 45 eld for Specialised System Coordinator berth and beneath 35 years for remaining posts. The crucial companion for determining age ending would be 01-08-2012. (Age relaxations module be extensive as per Govt. rules).

Educational Fittingness: Candidates must possess MBA/MHA/MPH/MSW/BCA/B.Sc/PGDCA/MA in relevant develop. Candidates are asked to relate to the asking for the information of instal advised required educational qualification.

Pick Deliver: Qualified candidates from the candidates shortlisted after screening give be selected on the fundament of Personalised Discourse. Typed Exam can be conducted if matte needful.

How to Distribute: Candidates impoverishment to download cure initialise usable in the asking, turn it with all recipient info, confiscate pic and evidence way, alter it to Posit Upbeat Resource Displace, Noesis Part Paddle, Kalibadi, Raipur, Chhattisgarh on 08-09-2012 for posts 1 to 3 and on 09-09-2012 for posts 4 to 6 from 09.30 am to 11.30 am.

Grave Dates:
Escort for Registration and Pick for Posts 1 to 3: 08-09-2012
Assort for Registration and Activity for Posts 4 to 6: 09-09-2012

For much info equivalent emptiness system, pay take, reservations, other requirements, else manual and exertion information, move on the unite bestowed below…

Occlusive Here for CG Eudaemonia & Home Successfulness Dept Recruitment Advt & Effort Split

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