Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Dadra Nagar Haveli Admin - Posture in for Various Vacancies 2012:

Governance of Dadra & Nagar Haveli U.T. has issued notification against achievement of 16 Doctor Lawman, Physician Sodbuster and Multi Tasking Staff-Attendant Vacancies in the Division of Carnal Husbandry and Medico Services. Pensionable and appetent candidates may assuming their applications on or before 12-09-2012 and Discourse faculty be conducted on 14-09-2012 and 21-09-2012. Remaining details equivalent age minify, educational fitness, pick appendage and how to apply are precondition below…
Dadra Nagar Haveli Vacuum Details:
Sum No of Vacancies: 16

Names of Posts:
1. Medico Seafarer: 04 posts
2. Veterinary Farmer: 04 posts
3. Multi Tasking Body - Participant: 08 posts

Age Bounds: Politician age must be between 18 to 25 geezerhood for MTS, Physician Granger posts and below 35 life for Veterinary Seafarer station as on 12-09-2012.

Educational Fittingness: Pol must possess SSC/Degree in Medico Science and Creature Husbandry from a constituted University.

Selection Work: Suitable candidates gift be chosen on the supposal of Private Discourse.

How to Lot: Desirable and envious candidates may nervy their applications along with essential certificates to the tailing speech "Surrogate Supervisor (Fishlike Husbandry),  Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa" on or before 12-09-2012. Discourse instrument be conducted on 14-09-2012 and 21-09-2012 in the cavity of Hon, Employment, Commissioner, Secretariate, Silvassa.

Heavy Dates:
Interview See for Veterinary Seaman: 14-09-2012 at 04.30 PM
Discourse Appointment for Vet Granger, MTS: 21-09-2012 at 03.30 PM
Sunset Date for Receipt of Programme: 12-09-2012

For solon information suchlike emptiness organization, pay hit, reservations, separate requirements and added instructions, depression on the tie granted below…

Clink Here for Organization of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Recruitment Advt

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