Thursday, 16 August 2012

Directorate of Medical Pedagogy AP - Walk in for 203 Body Vacancies 2012:

Board of Scrutiny Activity (DME) of Andhra Pradesh (AP) has issued asking against achievement of 203 Ability Vacancies at Rajiv Statesman Create of Medical Ability (RIMS) at varied places. Entitled candidates may travel in for Interview from 22-08-2012 to 25-08-2012 as per the area of present Discourse. Added information equal age bounds, educational fittingness, covering fee information, pick enation and how to relate are donated below…
Directorate of Scrutiny Breeding AP Space Information:
Unconditional Size of Vacancies: 203

Calumny of Posts:
1. Academician - 47 vacancies
2. Interact Academician - 58 vacancies
3. Assistant Professor - 70 vacancies
4. Instructor - 28 vacancies

Educational Makings: Candidates moldiness possess MBBS with PG Diploma in involved specialties for Tutor/Sr Dweller accumulation and Instal Correct Magnitude in afraid check for remaining posts. For promote details, go finished the asking.

How to Deal: Candidates pauperism to bearing in for Converse from 22-08-2012 to 25-08-2012 as per the job and organization applied for, at various centres purchasable in the request, at 11.00 am.

Converse Dates:
At RIMS Ongole: 22-08-2012
At RIMS Kadaga: 23-08-2012
At Govt Dental College & Infirmary, RIMS Kadapa: 23-08-2012
At RIMS Adilabad: 24-08-2012
At RIMS Srikakulam: 25-08-2012

For solon info like space distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements, another manual and venue for Converse, depression on the attach precondition below…

Emit Here for Directorate of Examination Pedagogy AP Accomplishment Advt

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