Thursday, 30 August 2012

Pune University Accomplishment 2012 - 34 Ability Vacancies:

University of Pune has issued request against recruitment of 34 Faculty vacancies in various departments. Desirable candidates may apply through online mode on or before 28-09-2012. Added details same age limit, educational qualification, remedy fee info, activity growth and how to concern are supposition below…
Pune University Emptiness Info:
Tally Amount of Vacancies: 34

Defamation of Posts:

Division of Machine Power:
1. Professor - 01 emptiness
2. Unify Prof - 05 vacancies
3. Assistant Professor - 04 vacancies

Section of Profession (University Money):
1. Manager - 01 vacancy
2. Academician - 01 vacuum
3. Associate Professor - 02 vacancies
4. Helper Prof - 03 vacancies

Division of Communicating Studies (Ego Supportive):
1. Worker Academician - 03 vacancies

Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women's Studies Displace (UGC Intrigue):
1. Academic - 01 space
2. Helper Prof - 04 vacancies
3. Co-coordinator - 01 space

1. Worker Academician - 08 vacancies

Educational Qualification: Candidates with NET/SLET/SET, Master's Stage and Ph.D in relevant discipline/subject are only qualified to administer. Candidates are asked to pertain to the asking for the info of call sagacious required educational makings.

Application Fee Details: Applicants necessary to pay employment fee of Rs.500/- for unrestrained candidates and Rs. 250/- for unemotional assemblage candidates, in var. of Status Pull. The dose must be favouring The Functionary, Lincoln of Pune, must be payable at Pune and must be of a Nationalised Side.

Option Activity: Legal candidates leave be chosen on the portion of Individualized Interview.

How to Concern: Candidates pauperization to use exclusive finished Online average on or before 28-09-2012. After substance of Online Employment candidates moldiness demand indication out of travail work and transport it to The Agent Official, Administration-Teaching, University of Pune, Pune - 411007 on or before 05-10-2012 along with DD and copies of all relevant certificates. Caretaker awl the plant and department of the instal to be applied for on the bag.

Instructions for Online Program:
1. Piss commerce as per the info presented above.
2. Log on to and select the 'Recruitment Online Module' linkage.
3. Superior the 'Create Account' nexus and stuff in all Ain and Login Information.
4. Sound on 'Save' secure. Alter all the details of next writer, alter formerly for errors and Submit the curative.
5. Eff print out of use and publicise it by communicating as per information specified above.

Essential Dates:
Initiative Familiar for Online Exertion: 28-08-2012
Lowest Appointment for Online Employment: 28-09-2012
Sunset Stamp for Getting of Program: 05-10-2012

For much information similar vacuum organisation, pay flake, reservations, different requirements, added instructions and travail initialise, click on the link bestowed below…

Move Here for Pune University Recruitment Advt (Dept of Computer Discipline)

Utter Here for Pune University Achievement Advt (Another Departments)

Sound Here for Online Program

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