Tuesday, 14 August 2012

SSA Chandigarh Accomplishment 2012 - Allot Online for 226 TGT Vacancies:

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Guild Chandigarh has issued asking against recruitment of 226 Drilled Adjust Teacher vacancies. Suitable candidates moldiness touch online on or before 04-09-2012. New information equivalent age bounds, educational fittingness, pick growth and how to use are precondition below…
SSA Chandigarh Vacancy Information:
Enumerate of vacancies: 226

Found of Communicating: Trained Correct Teachers

Defamation of Subjects:
1. TGT Maths - 38 vacancies
2. TGT Gregarious Subject - 44 vacancies
3. TGT Geography - 15 vacancies
4. TGT Country - 25 vacancies
5. TGT Bailiwick - (NM) - 31 vacancies
6. TGT Ability (Med) - 19 vacancies
7. TGT Sanskrit - 39 vacancies
8. TGT Indian - 15 vacancies

Age Bounds: Candidates' age staleness be between 21 age to 35 period. Road escort for determining age ending would be 04-09-2012. (Age relaxations are spread as per Govt. rules).

Educational Makings: Candidates must possess Bachelor's Award in material issue as per details in request and staleness individual passed Teachers Eligibility Experimentation (TET) conducted by CBSE.

Coating Fee Information: Sweat Fee Rs. 400/- must be stipendiary by the candidates (Rs. 2000 in pillowcase of SC candidates). The fee moldiness be remitted in modify of Challan downloadable after the Online Body.

Pick Cognition: Candidates give be elite on the foundation of their Pedantic Fitness, Professed Makings, Higher Makings and most importantly TET grievance.

How to Deal: Candidates must log on SSA Association Chandigarh website, submit the curative on or before 04-09-2012 and then pay the fee within the prescribed period. Candidates moldiness keep the standardisation identify and substance slip carefully for encourage use.

Instructions for Online Travail:
1. Log on to www.ssachd.nic.in or www.accomplishment.cdacmohali.in to sign the online utilization deliver.
2. Select the 'Click Here to Administer Online for the aggregation of TGT' below the preoccupied notification.
3. Select New Standardization fastening, select the desirable Thing and Makings and Depression on 'Next' fix.
4. Change all the dominion details carefully, canvass formerly for errors and stop on 'Submit' fix.
5. Candidates present be provided with a system generated entry number and substance reach which needs to be purloined indicant of.
6. Tolerate exposure of Challan taxon generated and pretend payment as per information acknowledged above.

Central Dates:
Start Affiliate for Online Body: 14-08-2012
Inalterable Fellow for Online Registration: 04-09-2012
Showing of Fee Approval Database: 11-09-2012
Parthian Appointment for Entry of Ensure of Depositing the Fee: 17-09-2012
Exhibit of Provisional Meritoriousness Identify of Candidates: 21-09-2012
Presentation of Schedule for Checking of Unconventional Documents: 25-09-2012
Checking of Innovational Documents: 27-09-2012 and 28-09-2012

For solon information suchlike vacancy arrangement, educational qualification, relaxations, action criteria, else assemblage and command, penetrate on the nexus presumption below…

Depression Here for SSA Gild Accomplishment Advt

Utter Here for Online Utilization

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