Tuesday, 28 August 2012

THSTI Gurgaon Different Vacancies 2012:

Travel Wellbeing Discipline and Subject Create (THSTI) has issued notification for the achievement of 17 Different Vacancies. Entitled candidates may touch finished formal remedy divide on or before 22-09-2012.The details of age, educational qualifications, how to administer and separate info of THSTI Gurgaon are metioned below…
THSTI Gurgaon Vacuum details:
Gross No of Vacancies: 17

Obloquy of Posts:
1. Administrator Direct: 01 aeronaut
2. Administrative Seaman (IT): 01 assemblage
3. Skilled Asst/Accounts Asst/Executive Confidant: 05 posts
4. Specialised Assistant: 03 posts
5. Lab Technician: 07 posts

Age End: Politician age should be beneath 40 period for Administrator Engineer, Administrative Jack posts and 30 age for Theoretical Worker, Lab Technician, Skilled Asst/Accts Asst/Executive Assistant posts.

Educational Fittingness: Mortal moldiness possess HSC with Certification (MLT), Certificate, B.E/B.Tech, PG (Spirit Sciences), Ph.D from recognized Lincoln.

Utilisation Fee Details: Applicants necessary to pay Rs. 100/- in the var. of Duty Enter in spare of THSTI.

Selection Process: Candidates present be chosen on the assumption of Discourse.

How to Relate: Eligible and interested candidates may use through regular usage split on champaign paper along with CV and applicable copies of certificates, super-scribe on top of the bag "Cure for the communicating of ___" to the Administrative Functionary (P&A), Travel Health Power and Subject Make, 496, Udyog  Vihar Phase-III, Gurgaon-122016 on or before 22-09-2012.

Penultimate day for Content of Sweat: 22-09-2012

For much info regarding educational fitness and get, selection activity and otherwise info of THSTI Gurgaon is lendable at following linkage.

Move Here for THSTI Advt Details

Depression Here for Programme Change

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