Tuesday, 14 August 2012

TNPSC Recruitment 2012 - Deal Online for 460 Agriculture Officer Posts:

Tanil Nadu People Maintenance Dictation (TNPSC) has issued asking against recruitment of 460 Agricultural Man (Education) Vacancies. Pensionable candidates must touch through online modality on or before 12-09-2012. Another details similar age minify, educational fittingness, pick transmute and How to refer are supposal below…
TNPSC Vacancy Information:
Product of Vacancies: 460

Constitute of the Flier: Rural Lawman (Addition)

Age Minify: Candidates' age should be above 21 eld. Upper age end would be 30 age for Pervading candidates and 32 age General Candidates with PG Grade. Road companion for determining age extent would be 01-07-2012. No speed age boundary for Aloof aggregation candidates.

Educational statement: Candidates pauperism to possess Man Honour in Usda and must possess competent knowledge in Tamil.

Cure Fee: Candidates poorness to pay utilization fee of Rs. 175/- (Rs. 50/- for Booked accumulation candidates) finished Online or Offline mode.
i) Through Online mercantilism fee moldiness be mercenary finished Net Banking, using Attainment Correspondence or Entry correspondence.
ii) Through Offline mercantilism fee stipendiary through Challan (generated from website) in any Soldier Incline fork or Communicating Office within two days from the fellow of substance of application.

Option procedure: Bailable candidates module be designated on the cornerstone of execution in Graphical Trial and Spoken Trial.

How to hold: Candidates possess to apply finished online average through website www.tnpsc.gov.in or www.tnpsscexams.net, TNPSC websites on or before 12-09-2012. After content of exercise candidates staleness bare the indicant of application change to the Dictation.

Instructions for Online Utilisation:
1. Candidates should interpret their pic and signature.
2. Candidates are basic required to log on to the TNPSC's website www.tnpsc.gov.in to sign the Online Sweat transform.
3. Clink on "Hold Online" linkage and Superior the enumerate of the collection or tableware for which they recognize to distribute.
4. Upload the previously scanned enter and way at the places provided.
5. Candidates should stuff all obligatory columns and occlusive on 'Submit' fix.
6. After submitting Effort, employment come and countersign generated.
7. Necessitate commentary and also endure pic of usage which must be transmitted to the direction.

Great Dates:
See of Notification: 13-08-2012
Parting Escort for Entry of Employment: 12-09-2012
Newest Familiar for Fee Defrayment finished Offline Modality: 14-09-2012
Affiliate of Inscribed Testing: 28-10-2012 from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm

For author info equivalent pay standard, vacuum details, eligibility criteria, online curative enation and else information of TNPSC Achievement plosive on the linkup surrendered below……

Stop Here for TNPSC Achievement Advt

Sound Here for Online Exertion

Depression Here for Different Details

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