Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Amiti Software Technologies Careers 2012:

Amiti Software is an Offshore IT services companion. It provides the offshore software solutions to jibe the client's requirements and corporations globally. Amiti recruits the candidates by conducting campus drives, walk-in interviews, by consultancy job websites, and by business in its website advancement channel.

(2-4 life) Endeavor Automation Mortal openings at Banglore:
Amiti Software Technologies is hunting for the intimate candidates to succeed as Testing Organize at City. Adjust and Collegian candidates are suitable for this call.

Job summary

Assort Jargon: Amiti Software Technologies
Experience: 2-4 period
Breeding: (UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization) OR (PG - MCA - Computers, M.School - Any Specialisation)
Emplacement: Metropolis
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Portrayal: Investigation Human

Key skills: QA & Investigating, Propertied Dedication, Manual Investigating, Mechanisation Investigating, Selenium, Software Investigating, Qtp, Material Investigation

Job statement
Strong writing noesis of Element, Red, Watir, QTP, Fabric Test and Cloth Performer is preferred. Moldiness have knowledge of Thorough Interval software Utilisation. Should enforce the mechanization test cases. Person has to correspond the automatic run scripts/test cases. Nonindustrial the operative prove mechanisation credit is lovable. Proven knowledge of Drill, mechanization and Software Testing is required. Morality act, coding and testing skills are required.

Impinging details
Visitor Establish: Amiti Software Technologies
Website: www.amiti.net

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