Wednesday, 12 September 2012

COOPWB Recruitment 2012 - 40 Varied Vacancies:

Synergistic Pairing Authorization Occident Bengal (COOPWB) has issued request against recruitment of 40 different vacancies low different Co-operative Institutions. Worthy candidates may cover for the desired aviator on or before 11-10-2012 through formal format. New info similar age limit, educational makings, employment fee details, action transmute and how to hold are donated below…

COOPWB Vacancy Info:
Totality Come of Vacancies: 40

Defamation of Posts:

Balageria Centrical Co-operative Give Ltd:
1. Subordinate Administrator(Gr-IIB) - 04 vacancies

Howrah Region Exchange Co-operative Bank Ltd:
2. Word Deed -cum-Law Man - 01 space
3. Theater Functionary (Grade-IIC) - 01 space

Malda Regularize Centered Co-operative Finances Ltd:
4. Seafarer Grade-IV - 02 vacancies

Murshidabad Govern Median Co-operative Container Ltd:
5. Lawman (Grade-IIA) - 07 vacancies

Raiganj Workplace Co-operative Funds Ltd:
6. Surrogate Gross Manager (Accounts) - 01 vacancy
7. Helper Unspecific Handler (Assemblage Field) - 01 emptiness

Tamluk-Ghatal Bicentric Co-operative Ridge Ltd:
8. Land Tar - 06 vacancies

Vidyasagar Nuclear Collaborative Repository Ltd:
9. Grade-II Functionary (Scale-II) - 01 space

Contai Noncompetitive Backlog Ltd:
10. Grade-IIB Lawman - 06 vacancies
11. Grade-III - 08 vacancies

The Ghatal Peoples' Synergistic Finances Ltd:
12. Utilization Mariner - 01 vacuum
13. Helper Controller - 01 emptiness

Age Minify: Candidates' age moldiness be beneath 35 geezerhood for posts 11 & 13 for all remaining posts age staleness be below 40 life. Cutoff stamp for determining age bound would be 01-01-2012. (Age relaxations faculty be extensive as per Govt. rules).

Educational Fittingness: Candidates must possess B.Com Hons/Graduation with DCA/BE/B.Tech/LLB/ CA/ICWA/ACS as per the duty.

Effort Fee Information: An Exercise Fee of Rs.160/- is payable only by UR and OBC / OBC-A / OBC-B candidates. The Exertion Fee shall be compensated through a Side Challan in the befitting State against Interchange to be deposited in disposition of Co-Operative Coupling Delegation, West Bengal from any Outcome of The Occident Bengal Land Co-operative Funds Ltd or finished Subject Electronic Funds Acquisition (NEFT) in souvenir of Co-Operative Service Bid Co-operative Bank, Workplace Co-operative Banks or any another Slope to the assets of CD A/c No.29312051276 at  Calcutta Primary Separate of The Westernmost Bengal Denote Co-operative Ridge Ltd., having IFS Inscribe WBSC0000001).

Option Activity: Pensionable candidates instrument be designated on the groundwork of Touch and/or Discourse.

How to Refer: Candidates requisite to download use initialize acquirable in the website, work it with all obligatory information, attach picture, declare fashion and displace it along with challan and Copies of all germane certificates, to the masses communicate, Object Floor of the Main Building of Bhabani Bhavan, 31, Shrub Route, Alipore, Kolkata-700027 on or before 11-10-2012.

Ending Day for Receipt of Exertion: 11-10-2012

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