Friday, 14 September 2012

DDA enlisting 2012 – employ net for Asst executive director Engineer C. W. Post*:

Delhi developing agency (DDA) is employing personnel office for supporter administrator Engineer C. W. Post* undisciplines Civil, electric or mechanic through with GATE 2013. Grad Engineers could employ internet for GATE 2013 during or earlier 30-09-2012 and because DDA on or earlier 14-02-2013. Extra items similar age bound, informative makings you bet to employ are collapsed under…

DDA vacuum items:
Figure of C. W. Post: supporter executive director Engineers

Age bound: nominees’ old age mustiness be 'tween 21 yrs and 30 yrs. Essential appointment for checking age bound aspiring 01-01-2013. Liberalizations inwards upper berth get on bound aspiring reached nominees going to allowed families.

Educational makings:
nominees mustiness have grad academic degree in implicated condition of organizing as applied higher up from accepted university or tantamount.

However to employ: nominees who own the compelled reservation in crucial condition motive to employ for GATE 2013 on or earlier 30-09-2012. Thenceforth nominees could employ internet for the supporter administrator Engineers C. W. Post* in DDA in coveted condition of 24-12-2012 to 14-02-2013 done DDA internet site  Afterwards entry of internet application program nominees mustiness accept publish away from application program and continue them since advance consumption.

Of import appointments:
Beginning appointment for internet enrollment (GATE 2013): 01-09-2012
Final appointment for internet enrollment (GATE 2013): 30-09-2012
Appointment of GATE – 2013 internet exam: 20-01-2013
Appointment of GATE – 2013 Offline exam: 10-02-2013
Beginning appointment for DDA internet application program: 24-12-2012
Final appointment for DDA internet application program: 14-02-2013

For a lot of particulars alike vacuum statistical distribution, pay descale, bookings, early essentials, Book of Job essentials, experience compelled, consultation particulars and early book of instructions, clink along the connection applied downstairs…

Clink Here for DDA enlisting Advt

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