Monday, 17 September 2012

Draftsperson - Golden doughnuts - Quezon - Philippine Islands

•The nominee shall hold the job of dressing figures and draft copy drawing in for shops and extra associated projects.
•The nominee shall accept virtual feel of coordinating and holding drawing in/ papers and extra associated works on.
•Mustiness follow untiring, honourable and answerable.
•Could act on lower limit supervising.
•Wishing to act in Mandaluyong metropolis.

•Nominee mustiness have at any rate an Bachelor's/College arcdegree in computer architecture or equivalent.
•Needed accomplishments): blueprint, draft copy drawing in, Autocad.
•Favourite accomplishments): Photoshop, Sketch-up pro.
•At the least 1 yr(s) by working experience in the associated area are compulsory for these post.
•Rather 1-4 years full-fledged Employees specialising in computer architecture/interior decoration or equal. Line of work role in draftsperson/blueprint Drafter or Others.
•2 regular emplacements) usable.

Concerned appliers are called for to employ in-person or send off all-encompassing CV on copy by memorializes, latest I.D. Pic, certification / headways) from premature employer to:
Reside resourcefulnesses section/733 Aurora Blvd., Quezon metropolis (ahead from older Pepsi Plant)
Email address: or
Look to: Ms Ditas M. Atanacio

To aspect extra vocation chances, please travel to:
Golden Donuts, Inc. Vocation place

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