Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Full general Physician - Alpha enlisting - Auckland - New Zealand

New Zealand features an slacked life style on lifelike attracters that order the deception inch your daylight. Snow-covered loadses, vents, luscious beaches, outback boosting tracks, fjords, wild lakes and often, very much a lot. Whether you'd care an acting upon vacation, short-run contractile organ permanent wave transplantation, we could assist you find out the decent character in the emplacement from your option.

Minimal 12-month committal are extremely favored; could conceive 6-month emplacements.

Practice session welfares:
•Yearly earnings package
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•Assist on readjustment (licensure)
•Regular crop
•30 daytimes yearly leave of absence + 10 unrestricted vacations
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We're attempting lived cosmopolitan Physicians as an diversity from emplacements incoming some Modern Zealand’s North and South Islands. To characterize, appliers must constitute desirable since enrollment on the New Zealand medical examination Council.

All-important acquirements/reservations
•Minimal by 3 yrs experience
•Desirable as enrollment on the New Zealand medical examination Council
•Essayed oral exam and written language acquirements

Employ to denae.petrick@alphajobs.co.nz

Contact lens our agreeable team up at Alpha and commence your journeying toward an more at ease and pleasurable life style edge New Zealand.

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Proud Winner of the essay yearly enlisting awarding 2005, 2006, 2007 and because an final result from these, the SARA Legend Award because 2008! Delight chatter www.seek.co.nz/sara since additional data.

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