RRC Jaipur vacuum points:
Number of vacuums: 329
Names of C. W. Post*:
1. Trackman B-1 – 192 vacuums
2. Khallasi/assistant B-1 – 111 vacuums
3. Khallasi/supporter C-1 – 06 vacuums
4. Khallasi/Pointsman/Gateman – 20 vacuums
Old age Limit: nominees’ age mustiness not be to a lesser degree 18 yrs and essential not be more 33 yrs. Break off appointment since checking age bound aspiring 01-01-2013. (Old age easinesses wish equal exserted as per Govt. Finds).
Instructive makings: nominees must follow blacks out in 10th accepted or essential have ITI or same.
Application program Fee particulars: unbooked and OBC appliers motive to earnings application program fee by Rs. 40/-. SC/ST/PWD/Women/nonage nominees/Economically backwards classifies are excused from defrayment of fee. Fee essential follow gainful in grade of across requirement draft copy by whatever nationalized banking concern or across Indian money order in favor of ‘supporter personnel office Officer (enlisting & developing), railway system enlisting Cell, northwest railway system, Jaipur’, collectable at Jaipur.
Choice action: desirable nominees will be decided on the base of execution in composed exam and active Efficiency exam (PET) conformed to by medical exam and papers confirmation.
However to employ: nominees need to download application program formatting usable in the notice, fulfil it with altogether mandatary particulars, bond photo, testify sig, append left alone leaf depression, superintendent scriber application program for the position of GP1800/- from employ notification No. 02/2012(RRC/NWR)’ on the gasbag and send off it by on defrayment acknowledge and replicates of altogether crucial certifications, to the followers name and address, Assistant personnel department Officer (enlisting & checking), railway system enlisting Cell, northwest railway system, Durgapura railroad station, Jaipur – 302018 on or earlier 08-10-2012 by average C. W. Post or by hired hand.
Authoritative appointments:
First step appointment for acknowledge of application program: 08-09-2012
Final appointment for reception of application program: 08-10-2012
Final date stamp for reception of application program (widespread domains): 23-10-2012
For a lot of items like vacuum statistical distribution, pay off scale, bookings, additional necessaries, other commands and application program data format, clink on the connect dedicated below…
Chink Here for RRC Jaipur enlisting Advt & application program data format
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