Tuesday, 23 October 2012

ASRB ICAR Old Delhi Jobs as managers, HoD, chief Scientists, sr. Scientists - Oct 2012

 (ASRB) - ICAR, Pusa, New Delhi apes enlisting Advt. No. 03/2012 asks for application program* by the appetent desirable nominees for address enlisting to the accompanying technological sr. Level off places by the ICAR and it has constitutes:

* Deputy manager General = 2 places
* Internal manager =  1 place in (NAIP), ICAR, New Delhi
* Supporter manager General =  2 places
* Manager = 2 places
* Zonary Project manager = 1 place
* Joint manager = 1 place
* Chief of sections/ Divisions (HoD) = 10 places in several classes
* Chief Scientists =  27 places in several sections / arrangements
* Sr. Scientists =  159 places in several sections / systems

Application program Fee: across call for Draft as Rs. 500/-, unexpired as three (3) months and drawn in favor by SECRETARY, ASRB payable at New Delhi (India). How, the SC/ST/Women/Physically disabled (PH) appliers/ nominees is excused by paying the application program fee.

However to employ: desirable nominees ought employ although filled up applciation form about or ahead 20th Nov 2012. Application program Form since usable in MS-WORD format along the ICAR/ASRB sites), and additional crucial documents/particulars could comprise downloaded from sites – http://www.icar.org.in and http://www.asrb.org.in. As is could besides comprise allowed to the nominee about his/her asking to the Secretary, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan I, Pusa, New Delhi –110012.

Close date: 20th Nov 2012

Click Here For More Details.

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