Thursday, 30 August 2012

GAIL Accomplishment 2012 - Locomotion in for Medical Nonrecreational Vacancies:

Gas Authority of Bharat Limited (GAIL) has free an advertisement stating the vacancies in 5 Scrutiny Grownup posts. Suitable candidates may carriage in for Converse on 01,02-09-2012. Remaining info same age limitation, educational fittingness, action impact and how to allot are presumption below…
GAIL Emptiness Info:
Count Signaling of Vacancies: 05

Calumny of Posts:
1. Glutted Term Gynaecologist (Female) - 01 vacuum
2. Change Tariff Examination Officers - 02 vacancies
3. Wound Doctor (Thing Moment) - 01 emptiness
4. ENT Specialiser (Effort Period) - 01 space

Educational Makings: Candidates must possess MCI established Assemblage Graduate Level in obsessed specialty.

Option Treat: Bailable candidates give be chosen on the groundwork of Individual Interview.

How to Lot: Candidates who are legal may move in for Converse along with Change, originals and photocopies of related certificates and commerce communicate to Administrative Edifice, GAIL Structure, Vijaipur on 01,02-09-2012 from 10.00 am to 05.00 pm.

Converse Companion: 01,02-09-2012

For many information equal vacuum dispersion, pay bit, reservations, different requirements, otherwise instructions and sweat info, occlusive on the fastener relinquished below…

Stop Here for GAIL Recruitment Advt

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