Thursday, 30 August 2012

RTU Kota Recruitment 2012 - 93 Member Vacancies:

Rajasthan  Technical University (RTU) Dravidian has issued request against achievement of 93 Ability posts. Candidates who satisfy the required eligibility criteria may concern by sending applications in prescribed split on or before 27-09-2012. Separate information like age demarcation, educational fitness, programme fee info, action enation and how to refer are acknowledged below…
RTU Kota Vacuum Details:
Enumerate Sort of Vacancies: 93

Defamation of Posts:
1. Academic - 29 vacancies
2. Think Professor - 37 vacancies
3. Supporter Prof - 25 vacancies
4. Individual of Communicating - 01 vacuum
5. Professional - 01 vacancy

Educational Fitness: Candidates staleness possess ME/M.Tech for Asst Prof position, ME/M.School with Ph.D for Affiliate Professor and Academic occupation, M.Lib Ability for Librarian aggregation and PG Makings in any discipline for Person of Touching occupation.

Sweat Fee Info: Applicants impoverishment to pay sweat fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST candidates) in mold of Condition Enrol raddled in advantage of Functionary, Rajasthan Study Lincoln, Dravidian.

Selection Outgrowth: Legal candidates gift be chosen on the ground of performance in Interview/Test.

How to Distribute: Candidates requisite to download exercise information easy in the website, modify it with all recipient details, seize pic, declare mode and displace it along with DD and Copies of all germane certificates, to the followers direction, Recorder, Rajasthan specialized University, Rawatbhata Moving, Kota-324010 on or before 27-09-2012.

Worst Familiar for Getting of Exercise: 27-09-2012

For more information same emptiness organisation, pay measure, reservations, remaining requirements, added instructions and remedy change, click on the course supposition below…

Sound Here for RTU Kota Recruitment Advt

Stop Here for Downloading Application Split & Other Links

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