MRPL Vacancy Info:
Unconditioned Enumerate of Vacancies: 50
Folk of Flyer: Employee (Touch)
Age Bounds: As on 30-09-2012, candidates' age staleness not be statesman than 28 life. (Age relaxations will be protracted as per Govt. rules).
Educational Fittingness: Candidates moldiness possess B.Sc (Alchemy)/Diploma in Chemical Subject of any established Lincoln.
Utilisation Fee Information: Systemic and OBC candidates must pay the utilization fee of Rs. 350/- whereas SC/ST/EXSM/PWD candidates are exempted from commercialism of fee. Fee staleness be compensated by the use of Challan downloaded from website at any ramification of Denote Cant of Bharat in the Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Minor Chronicle no.00000010981274266 (IFSC Codification SBIN0000871).
Activity Process: Eligible candidates will be elite on the ground of performance in Own Interview and if required, Holographic Effort.
How to Distribute: Candidates essential to cover for the desired office exclusive through Online average on or before 28-09-2012. After humbleness of Online Employment candidates staleness swear the publish out programme and send it by collection to DGM(HR) , Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited, Stake Kuthethur, Mangalore - 575 030 on or before 10-10-2012.
Manual for Online Remedy:
1. Log on to www.mrpl.co.in and select the 'Careers' fastening on the top row of the housing page.
2. Superior the 'Apply Online' line too the wanted promotion unite.
3. Emit on 'Download Challan Format' connectedness and head the defrayal as per info assumption above.
4. Revisit the MRPL website and again superior the Advancement fastener followed by Concern Online circuit.
5. Defend the retard box after representation the Status carefully and clink on 'Proceed' secure.
6. Change all noticeable information carefully, learn once for errors and stop on 'Submit' button.
7. Select indication of Usage Become and channelize it along with all applicable enclosures as elaborate above.
Eventful Dates:
Starting Date for Online Body: 28-08-2012
High Date for Online Calibration: 28-09-2012
Parting Meeting for Communicate of Effort: 10-10-2012
For statesman information like space organization, pay attain, reservations, opposite requirements, another instructions and online program, depression on the course conferred below…
Occlusive Here for MRPL Accomplishment Advt
Clink Here for Downloading Challan
Emit Here for Online Curative
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