Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Shipping House of India Ltd Recruitment 2012 - Asst Trainer Vacancies:

Shipping Firm of India Small (SCI Ltd) has issued request against achievement of 25 Assistant Administrator Vacancies at substance head storey. Bailable candidates may apply through online style on or before 14-09-2012. Else info equivalent age lessen, educational fitness, program fee info, selection operation and how to lot are given below…
SCI Ltd Space Details:
Ascertain of Vacancies: 25

Defamation of Occupation: Helper Administrator

Calumny of Streams:
1. Direction - 11 vacancies
2. Economics & Accounts - 07 vacancies
3. Info Technology - 02 vacancies
4. Lawful Professionals - 02 vacancies
5. Electrical Human - 01 vacancy
6. Leatherneck Engineers - 02 vacancies

Age Bounds:
Candidates' age staleness be below 27 years. Crosscut engagement for determining age extent would be 31-07-2012. (Age relaxations present be outspread as per Govt. rules).

Crucial Fitness: Candidates must possess material Bachelor's Degree/Master's State /Diploma /CA/ICWA. For aggregation sapient required educational fitness info, go through the asking.

Employment Fee Information: Generalized and OBC candidates staleness pay employment fee of Rs. 550/- in make of Challan which moldiness be downloaded from website Amount moldiness be deposited in SCI's Powerjyothi Declare at any ramify of SBI.

Activity Walk: Entitled candidates leave be selected on the component of show in Statute Experiment followed by Unit Discussion/Personal Discourse.

How to Refer: Candidates pauperism to relate for the wanted job only finished Online property on or before 14-09-2012 finished the website After entry of online curative, candidates must need photograph out of e-mail sent as verification and publicise it along with copies of related certificates and commercialism challan by middling collection to PO Box No. 2091, City - 600 020 on or before 14-09-2012.

Central Dates:
Starting Appointment for Online Enrollment: 25-08-2012
Motion Appointment for Online Registration: 14-09-2012
Stylish Fellow for Acquiring of Exertion: 14-09-2012

For much info equal vacuum distribution, pay hit, reservations, other requirements, added manual and widespread aggregation, refer to the advertisement published in Employment Interestingness article 25 - 31 August 2012 in Attendant No. 25.

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