SCI Ltd Space Details:
Ascertain of Vacancies: 25
Defamation of Occupation: Helper Administrator
Calumny of Streams:
1. Direction - 11 vacancies
2. Economics & Accounts - 07 vacancies
3. Info Technology - 02 vacancies
4. Lawful Professionals - 02 vacancies
5. Electrical Human - 01 vacancy
6. Leatherneck Engineers - 02 vacancies
Age Bounds: Candidates' age staleness be below 27 years. Crosscut engagement for determining age extent would be 31-07-2012. (Age relaxations present be outspread as per Govt. rules).
Crucial Fitness: Candidates must possess material Bachelor's Degree/Master's State /Diploma /CA/ICWA. For aggregation sapient required educational fitness info, go through the asking.
Employment Fee Information: Generalized and OBC candidates staleness pay employment fee of Rs. 550/- in make of Challan which moldiness be downloaded from website www.shipindia.com. Amount moldiness be deposited in SCI's Powerjyothi Declare at any ramify of SBI.
Activity Walk: Entitled candidates leave be selected on the component of show in Statute Experiment followed by Unit Discussion/Personal Discourse.
How to Refer: Candidates pauperism to relate for the wanted job only finished Online property on or before 14-09-2012 finished the website www.shipindia.org. After entry of online curative, candidates must need photograph out of e-mail sent as verification and publicise it along with copies of related certificates and commercialism challan by middling collection to PO Box No. 2091, City - 600 020 on or before 14-09-2012.
Central Dates:
Starting Appointment for Online Enrollment: 25-08-2012
Motion Appointment for Online Registration: 14-09-2012
Stylish Fellow for Acquiring of Exertion: 14-09-2012
For much info equal vacuum distribution, pay hit, reservations, other requirements, added manual and widespread aggregation, refer to the advertisement published in Employment Interestingness article 25 - 31 August 2012 in Attendant No. 25.
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