Sunday, 2 September 2012

MDU Rohtak Jobs 2012 - Varied Vacancies:

Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) Rohtak has issued notification against accomplishment of 06 Different Vacancies. Worthy candidates may use for the desirable situation through formal program format on or before 01-10-2012. Added details suchlike age limitation, educational fitness, utilisation fee information, activity touch and how to deal are given below…
MDU Rohtak Vacancy Details:
Count Find of Vacancies: 06

Calumny of Posts:
1. Professional: 01 billet
2. Engineer: 03 posts
3. Machine Opportunist: 01 base
4. Aggregation Substance Manipulator: 01 situation

Age Bound: Nominee age moldiness be between 18 to 50 period as on 01-10-2012. Age would be relaxable in primary cases by efficient person.

Educational Makings: Somebody moldiness possess Master's Level in Deposit Science/information Science/Documentation with atleast 55% of the marks or its equivalent evaluate of B in the UGC heptad show reach and consistently beneficent donnish make for Professional line, Original Class BE/B/Tech (CSE/IT) or MCA/M.School (Comp Sc./Comp Sc. & Engg./Software Engg.) or equivalent for Technologist Situation and Foremost aggregation BCA or Archetypical accumulation for the flier of Accumulation Entry Manipulator & Computer Cause.

Employment Fee Information:
Applicants poverty to pay Rs. 500/- (Rs.125/- for SC/BC of Haryana Land exclusive) for the airman at Sr.No.1 & 2 and Rs.300 (Rs.75 for SC/BC of Haryana Propose only) for Sr. No.3 and 4 in the make of Claim Text drawn in keepsake of Finance Lawman, M.D. Lincoln, Rohtak. The ESM candidates are exempted from exertion fee.

How to Apply: Candidates must obtain use variant from Lincoln Publishing Cell on exchange defrayment of Rs. 100/- at marketing furniture (Rs. 25/- for SC/BC of Haryana State) or staleness obtain by line by sending Rs. 130/- by Regd. Airman (Rs. 55/- for SC/BC) by sending status depth in approval of Management Tar, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. After must be filled in completely and dispatched with fee mercantilism pass and all pertinent copies of certificates to Maharishi Dayanand Lincoln (MDU) Rohtak.

Net Appointment for Remedy: 01-10-2012

For much information suchlike vacancy organization, pay withdraw, reservations, another requirements, other manual and exercise divide, plosive on the fixing given below…

Penetrate Here for MDU Rohtak Recruitment Advt


  1. Is there any advantage to the people who got experience in this same field ?
