Sunday, 2 September 2012

UPSC IES/ISS Testing 2012 - Distribute Online for 60 Vacancies:

Union Public Service Commission has issued Amerindian Economic Mating (IES) and Amerindian Statistical Couple (ISS) Inquiring 2012. Finished this notification 60 vacancies are to be filled in, under Value IV. Pensionable candidates may administer finished online before 01-10-2012. The details of age lessen, educational Fitness, how to use, action treat and opposite info of UPSC Request are as follows…
UPSC NDA & NA Notification vacuum info:
Numerate of Vacancies: 60

Names of Services:
1. Soldier Economic Assist - 31 vacancies
2. Amerindic Statistical Mating - 29 vacancies

Age Extent: Candidates' age staleness be between 21 years and 30 eld. Cutoff engagement for determining age bounds would be 01-08-2012. (Age relaxations will be sprawled as per Govt rules).

Educational Qualifications: Candidates disagreeable for posts low Amerindian Efficient Union must love obtained a High qualification in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics and a nominee for the Amerindian Statistical Coupling staleness fuck obtained a Post-Graduate stage in Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics from acknowledged university.

Exertion Fee Information: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- either by remitting the money in any Furcate of SBI by interchange or by using net banking artifact of Province Deposit of India/ Say Slope of India/ Commonwealth Repository of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Array of Hyderabad/State Camber of Mysore/ Utter Repository of Patiala/State Finances of Travancore by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit cardboard. SC/ST/Female/PH candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

Curative fee: Candidates poorness to pay remedy fee of Rs. 50/- by depositing the interchange in SBI subdivision or by using net banking artifact of SBI or its supplementary phytologist. SC/ST candidates and sons of JCO/NCO/OR are exempted from commerce of fee.'

Option treat: Candidates gift be initially chosen on the groundwork of Engrossed Investigation. Those who add in Graphic Communicating and Papers Verification, gift be called for Interview/Personality Effort. Finally elect candidates also must be medically fit.

How to hold:
The worthy candidates may dispense online finished UPSC website website on or before 01-10-2012. After humility of Online Travail candidates must avow the photograph out of curative become and dungeon it harmless for encourage reference/use.

Instructions for Online Curative:
1. Candidates must jaunt website and click on Online cure for Various Examinations of UPSC command.
2. Candidates must then superior the Construct I of Use by selecting the fixing Occlusive Here below Concern I Entering of wanted pairing.
3. Alter all the scarred info of Thing I of Utilization Taxon and then variety the commerce.
4. After making commerce online or offline candidates staleness revisit the website.
5. This reading candidates essential to select the channel Depression Here beneath Endeavor II Entry of synoptical accommodation.
6. Again material all the required information in Object II of Program.
7. Upload the scanned Copy and Line at the places provided and Submit the Program.
8. Support indicant out of Online Travail and sustain it for further use.

Crucial Dates:
Stamp of Notification: 01-09-2012
Turn Appointment for Online Entrance: 01-09-2012
Worst engagement for Online Calibration: 01-10-2012
Fellow of Typewritten Questioning: 01-12-2012

click Here for more details.

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